Great news! The allotment boss came over yesterday and told me what a miraculous job I was doing. She then asked me if I wanted to take on the next door plot too. I said no. This plot is killing me as it is. My back is now grumbling and even the dog thinks I have gone mad. It is good to get a pat on the back though. Yesterday I turned a patch of earth that looked like this.....

into this......

Two patches of mud on a blog.....hmmm. I am only sharing this with you because I think the amount of work an allotment requires cannot be underestimated. The patch of mud is 6ft by 6ft and took most of the afternoon! I didn't realise digging would be this hard.
I think it's great when you do finally get a result like that after you've put such an effort in. We've got clay on our allotment so I know what a battle it can be.
I tried to leave a comment on your tomato post but Blogger was hungry that day and kept eating my comment. Anyway, you got some geat advice from Greenmantle and BuddingVeggieGrower.
You have to work with what you've got I suppose. I am not growing carrots on the plot because of the heavy soil but I might sow carrots in containers. I could spend a fortune on soil improver but I don't think that's very practical!
hi Luke. Just a word of warning about later in the week, say thursday night. Expect a good hard frost so be careful what you plant out. hope all goin well with the plot. post a pic sometime.
we dont get frosts....just sun, sun, sun. I am gonna start a watermelon farm!
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