Wednesday, March 28, 2007

What's eating them!

Did I accidently plant ready eaten broad beans. Are these bite marks on the leaves? They have only been up a day or so and they are already nibbled. All of them are the same. Or should they look like this? I can just imagine a mouse lazing in the sun while I am at work waiting for his broad beans. As soon as he sees one ....chomp!


Unknown said...

Hi Luke, Your problem is Bean Weevil. Harmless really, unless you get a bad infection. I would leave it for now and just make sure the plants have plenty of feed to make them strong.


Luke Bridges said...

Wow! My first ememy! Thanks for letting me know. I will keep my eye on them.

Unknown said...

very impressed with the cabbage plants LUke. The rabbits will have a real feast when you plant those out.

Luke Bridges said...

hmmm Need to train Lucy up as a cabbage watchdog!

Ashleigh said...

Does bean weevil like peas too? My peas have all been chomped in the same manner.

Luke Bridges said...

I believe they do but the chomping is supposed to be relatively harmless