Did I accidently plant ready eaten broad beans. Are these bite marks on the leaves? They have only been up a day or so and they are already nibbled. All of them are the same. Or should they look like this? I can just imagine a mouse lazing in the sun while I am at work waiting for his broad beans. As soon as he sees one ....chomp!
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
What's eating them!
Did I accidently plant ready eaten broad beans. Are these bite marks on the leaves? They have only been up a day or so and they are already nibbled. All of them are the same. Or should they look like this? I can just imagine a mouse lazing in the sun while I am at work waiting for his broad beans. As soon as he sees one ....chomp!
This is a very sorry looking broad bean plant. To get such a specimen, take more hopeful looking broad bean and plant in the autumn so it can get eaten. Then put a bottle on top in spring and cook it during a warm spell until it flowers. Then leave specimen out for a nasty March frost. To get the final dazzling effect drop your cold frame on it during an allotment reshuffle. Do you think it will come again?
Sunday, March 25, 2007
I need more space
No time to take photos today. I have lost an hour! Got up this morning and it had vanished. Now everything is just ruined. Didn't have time to do stuff for work tomorrow, the house didn't get cleaned and the spring onions didn't get planted. The potatoes did get planted...hooray! I achieved something! The other problem I have got is that I have a distinct lack of window sills. I may need to knock a wall down.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
lovely veg
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Dog in trouble!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
new broadbeans on their way.
My place
Here is the allotment. I should really post a before and after shot but the before shot is still on a roll of film yet to be developed. Anyway, in the front you can see the remains of my broadbeans which have kept the mice going over the winter. I have put bottles on the survivers to get them going again. Next to that is my make shift cold frame which houses the cabbages. At the back you can see the bonefire which I am useless at burning. The other bare bits of earth are home to new broadbeans (hundreds of 'em this time!), onions and shallots. The rest of the place has been cleared of obvious weeds, dug and covered.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Here are some photos of the stuff growing in the spare room. From left Dads orchid, a spare tomato, and another of Dads orchids...dendrobium...or something like that. Then we have got various cabbages, tomatoes, aubergine and chilli peppers which have been potted on. I have been down the allotment today in a monsoon to try to cover the dug parts with material. This was to stop the weeds. Underneath the olds carpets I have various white weeds struggling up which should be easy to dig up so I am hoping the same will work on the rest of the place. I must take my camera down when its not raining. The place looks like a scene from the Somme. The only things growing are the mice which have feasted on my intrepid broad beans.
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